Thursday, August 10, 2017

Some great moments in term two!

We learned to photograph our own work at independent learning stations to share with the class...

Groups of 5's

Doubles with Dominos

 Finding the number after, for number after bingo...

Plus 2 Bingo

matching labels to our art

Deciding where the light will be shining on the moon

Early term two independent writing at inquiry table

practising our words

matching word blends

Rhyming words

Using scissors and cutting patterns

Maths labelling our art

Recognising all my double digit numbers

Shopping lists and job lists

Lunchtime junior sports

More great moments in term two|!

Author's chair at assembly...

The following is mostly work we have videoed ourselves in our buddy groups!

Buddy helping in our learning!

 Reading rhyming words

Counting 2's

Reading our publishing book

Reading around the room

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

We have had some great home learning work returned on times you all have explored as a family. Many have enjoyed exploring at the beach finding crabs under rocks, and searching for shells!

We were very happy to have Shruti's mum help her give news about her exploration in Fiji. She was able to connect with family members she didn't know well.

we learned it takes 3 hours (half a school day) for the aeroplane to fly there in the air, but it would take many days and nights on a boat on the sea.
This is Shruti in the aeroplane
We could all show the next person in the circle New Zealand and Fiji on the world globe
Thankyou for visiting us!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


We are all moving forward with our writing. 

Great job Saaleha and Jayzarian for putting the fullstops at the end of your ideas. Keiteria! You are turning your letters into words now!

Well done Jedidiah! You are looking carefully at the details when drawing your crocodile picture, and finding the words you need! 

Great beaver writing Aayaanah and Kato! We can see the baby beaver in your picture Kato!

Fantastic finding the ideas and words you needed about frogs as Amphibians Zorron and Disha!

Shruti and Anisha, you have done some great free writing! We can see your fullstops at the end of the sentence ideas. Anisha, you have edited!

We have been counting groups of 2, and can skip count how many beavers are on each dam. We have also been deciding how things should be sorted into groups, and then ways to display them. We love the rocket ship adding game!

Reading: we have been taking a word we know from the story, and learning more words from it!

Some special moments during term 1 have been:

Our zoo visit!
We went on the bus, and looked closely like scientists at the features of animals, and why they suit their habitat.